Sunday, November 8, 2009

The highlights

I finally started packing this weekend. It's been no secret how I feel about this move, but like it or not the moving day is fast approaching and these boxes aren't going to pack themselves. Today was a gorgeous day and as I was watching the kids play in the backyard I started to feel nostalgic. We've had so many wonderful times in this house and have created so many amazing memories. My heart felt sad and the feeling lingered as the day slowly slipped away.

After I put the kids to bed I sat down at my computer to blog but I felt in a funk. So...I did what I always do when I need a little cheering up - I started looking at pictures on my computer (I have almost 11,000 pictures on my hard drive). I started feeling a little better. Than I switched to watching old DVD slide shows from previous years. At the end of each year I create a "highlights" DVD comprised of still-shots from that year. It is a nice snapshot into what our year looked like. About half-way through the first one I realized something that I know is going to change my outlook on this move - permanently. All of the amazing memories that we've created have nothing to do with this house; it has to do with all of our family that has blessed our lives so richly. No matter where we call home, that isn't going to change.

So,as I begin working on 2009's Highlights DVD I look forward to seeing how it ends. Despite the change in location, I know the coming holidays are going to be filled with the same love and laughter that comes from spending time with people you cherish.

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